Monday, February 22, 2016

The Student Association Activities Council Has Done It Again!

By- Daija Russell (Oneonta, NY)

Photo Via- Daija Russell
The Student Association Activities Council of SUNY Oneonta has done it again! Hosted another successful event that is! On February 15, 2016 the Activities Council was able to book Rajiv Surendra aka "Kevin G" from the movie "Mean Girls". It was definitely a site to see as the Hunt Union Ballroom filled up with exciting fans. Not only did Rajiv Surendra come and present a lecture, he also hosted an question and answer segment, and gave exceptional life changing advice to the college students at SUNY Oneonta.

The Student Association Activities Council works hard to bring extraordinary events to campus for the students, and this was one of them. All of the long days, at conferences, in the office, making phone calls, and negotiating contracts has finally paid off. When asked, how do you feel after such a successful event, they simply replied "proud".

Photo Via- Daija Russell
Photo Via- Daija Russell
During this great lecture Rajiv Surendra, took pictures and signed posters as memorabilia for his fans. The students of SUNY Oneonta said that this event was, "Great, exciting, amazing, interesting and life changing.

Not only did Rajiv Surendra do an excellent job this night, he also gave the crowd what they wanted by reciting the rap, for the famous "Mean Girls" movie. The crowd stayed slightly quiet during the beginning and then roared the famous lines of, "Oh Kevin G." (which can be viewed in the short clips below.

With that being said the Student Association Activities Council has done it again and will continue to work hard in order to please the student body!

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