Thursday, February 11, 2016

Battle of the Red Dragons!

We Can Just Get Stronger From Here...

Shanna Smith- Oneonta, NY

The classic rivals, go at it again!
On February 9th, 2016 the Battle of the Red Dragons went at it again! The fans were going wild, the arena was packed, and the players were focused. Both teams came to win, but unfortunately there can only be one winner. Cortland won by the skin of their teeth that night. The score came to 56-64, this just means that next year they will be ready to battle again! What so great about the fans on the Oneonta side is the positive attitudes they all had after the game was complete. Of course everyone wanted SUCO to come in the lead, but sometimes you just have to take the loss and more on. Again you can only get stronger.
Pi Delta Chi and Alpha Epsilon Pi create a banner for support.

To your left you can see a banner being created for the big game! The Pi Delta Chi sorority and the Fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi wanted to show their support by creating a special banner to have with them in the stands. It's always nice to see Greek life support the athletic teams on campus!

Lastly after the game was complete I got the privilege to talk to a few fans about the game. The first person I got to speak with was Shannon Maloney. Shannon is a senior and this is her last semester, but she was still very positive on the game. She said "both teams played great, and I enjoyed the game even with the downside of us loosing". Then I ran into my friend Emily Testa, Emily said " The halftime show made me want to dance, and since I don't know much about basketball it was a great break from the game". Delaney Nichols was the last fan I spoke with and she said "It was nice to go to a game and see lots of school spirit. The dance acts were super cool, as was drum line. It sucked they lost but they fought hard"!  My favorite part about this whole game was that even with a loss under our belts everyone that I seemed to run into had something good to say despite the outcome of the game. We will all just have to wait for next year, and hope for the best! But on the bright side, we can only get stronger from here!

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