Thursday, February 18, 2016

Independent Spirit Art Gallery


From January 25th to March 18th the Independent Spirit event will be going on in the Fine Arts Building on the SUNY Oneonta campus.  The gallery will be on display in the Martin-Mullen Art Gallery with work done by twenty-four artists.  These forms of art can vary from paintings, drawings, film, print, sculptures, & photography.  Oneonta student, Tommy Cooper, was inside and when asked what piece of art was his favorite.  He said, "I really like the masks done by Ian Austin.  My personal favorite was the Mega Piranha Skull because I thought it was the most frightening one there."

Masks By: Ian Austin
 Another student who was on break from classes, Donny Burhan, was inside the art gallery looking around.  When asked why he was attending and inspecting the art Donny said "I've always enjoyed looking at art.  It may not be what I love but I thought I would come give the gallery a look while I'm on break from classes."  He added that "the landscape paintings of the ocean by Frank Anthony were some of my favorite ones in the whole gallery."  Donny explained that the ocean paintings just caught his eye when walking around, while others were just as good but he related more to these paintings.

Ocean Paintings By: Frank Anthony
This event is great for local artists to share their projects for students and citizens of Oneonta to see.  The artists also take advantage of this so that they can compare their work to other artists and to evaluate their work.  Timothy Sheesley who is the gallery director said that "The show was curated (selected) by Charles Bremer an artist who is very knowledgeable of the local art scene." He went on to say that "My role was making the decision to ask Charlie to select the work and then to assist him with installing and managing all the aspects of such an endeavor."  The event is open to everyone until March 18th in the Fine Arts Building from 12-5.

Paintings by Christine Alexander and Sondra Freckelton

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