Thursday, February 18, 2016

Journey of A Modern-Day Renaissance Man

Poster at Hunt Union for the guest speaker, Rajiv Surendra.

Karlyssa Dejesus (Oneonta, NY) --

On February 15th, a snowy Monday, Rajiv Surendra arrived to SUNY Oneonta to explain his journey as a modern-day renaissance man. He went in depth about a very important part of his life. That has caused him to become the person he is now.

Rajiv Surendra: a painter, potter, wood worker, a modern-day renaissance man, a calligrapher/self employed business man and actor. He is well known for his performance as Kevin Gnapoor, the rapping mathlete in Mean Girls.

Rajiv Surendra speaking about his role in the film, Mean Girls.

After Surendra played the role of Kevin G. from Mean Girls, he found himself interested in playing the role of Pi from the novel, Life of Pi. Life of Pi has been through three different directors through the almost 6 years of the film being put on hold.

Surendra accomplished many goals during the holding of the film. His main goal was the fulfill the role of Pi. He decided to drop out of college, the University of Toronto, and go to India to experience an 'everyday' environment of the main character, Pi.

His introduction of India and to the school he was going to be visiting for 2 weeks, was the assistant principle spanking a boy on the behind in order to disciplined him. Surendra wanted to "change the world" when he arrived in India. He entered the culture of the school he was visiting. He also learned to eat like the school boys do. He was also made fun of by the students of the school because he was eating with his "poo hand" according to the boys in the school.

Even though the role did not go in his favor, he learned and experienced so much about himself. When speaking to his audience he stated "failing is not a bad thing." All the greatest people have failed and turned out a success after they found themselves. It was an inspiring speech about strengths, weaknesses, success and many failures. It also opened up about people and how important the way a person would react towards you. It was a lecture of knowledge.

The presenters audience. 

Rajiv Surendra has a novel, The Elephant in My Backyard, coming out and it is based on his experience preparing the Life of Pi role. There is no exact date when the book will be released. 

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