Friday, February 19, 2016

Rajiv Surendra wins over SUNY Oneonta

By Jimmy Laurenzo (Oneonta, NY)

An unexpected snowfall which slicked the roads didn't stop masses of SUNY Oneonta students from attending Rajiv Surendra's guest lecture in the ballroom of Hunt Union on the SUNY campus. Rajiv is most known for his role as, Kevin G, in the smash hit, Mean Girls. This fan favorite role wasn't a crutch as Rajiv discussed his life beyond the film and the lessons he learned trying to pursue his dreams. When asked her opinion on the event New Hartford High School student Rachel Daly had the following to say, " It was really interesting to actually hear about the individual. I came because I loved him in, Mean Girls, but after hearing him speak I can say I'm a fan of more than just Kevin G."

An image from Rajiv's experience at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. Photo by Jimmy Laurenzo.
After, Mean Girls, Rajiv fell in the love with the book, The Life of Pi. So much so that when the possibility of playing the lead presented itself he did not hesitate. Rajiv dropped out of college and put everything into the role. While preparing for the film Rajiv was taken all around the world doing research and attempting to become the character. He traveled to locations including India, Maine, and Toronto to name a few. " I can't believe the work actors put in just to play a part. I'll never take a great performance for granted again.", said student Zach Johnson. 

Rajiv shares an email that changed his life. Photo by Jimmy Laurenzo

Despite his best efforts and extensive research Rajiv was not selected for the role. After he received the rejection email he was understandably devastated. From there Rajiv moved on and in an attempt to rebuild moved to Munich, Germany. Through new experiences and self reflection he found himself. Today he is a potter, painter, woodworker, model, calligrapher, and perhaps most importantly author. The experiences from his talk are even more extensive and valuable than he shared and publishers seem to think the same. Rajiv's book, "The Elephants in my Backyard", catalogs his life and experiences chasing down his dream role and is expected out sometime next year. Oneonta Alumni, Rebecca Daly, had this to say on behalf of Rajiv's amazing story, "It's so interesting to see everyone's path. You just never know how someone gets to where they are. There's a few hundred people in here and we all have our own story, that's pretty amazing."

The Cover of Rajiv's forthcoming book. Photo by Jimmy Laurenzo.

Rajiv proved to be much more than his, Kevin G, performance. He captured the audience and imparted invaluable lessons. Learning so much from his own trials and tribulations Rajiv's perspective on life is breathtakingly refreshing. Seeing someone who has turned an enormous adversity into their benefit is truly inspiring.

Event wrap

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