Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Oneonta Students Rock Out for a Cure

BY Patrick Flood -- (Oneonta, NY)

On Tuesday February 16th, A Rock To Cure and the MIC (Music Industry Club) held a benefit concert for The Tyler Demarco Foundation in the Hunt Union Ballroom. The show featured many prominent Oneonta student acts including, Watermedown, Chase Hugln, Pitch Slapped, and Nobody's Babe. While the performances were certainly worth the two dollar price of admission, the main focus of the night was to find donations and find support for the Tyler Demarco Foundation. 

Music Industry Club desk at A Rock to Cure Event

The Tyler Demarco Foundation was created in honor of Tyler Demarco, who passed away from cancer at a young age. Tyler was the brother of Oneonta alumn Ryan Demarco, who's friends helped put on the concert. One of those friends, Mike Deyo expressed his feelings on the event, stating, "I'm good friends with Ryan (Demarco) and I understand how his brother's passing effected the family, so I was more than happy to be a part of this concert."

Students perfoming at A Rock to Cure
Alumni, Mike Jaycox seconded Mike Deyo's comments by adding, "Though I graduated last year, it's still great to come back to Oneonta and not only support the MIC club, but also support this great cause.

Students performing at A Rock to Cure

Even though the crowd was mostly comprised of club members and friends of the Demarco family, there were still a large contingent of music fans who came out to the event. Oneonta senior, Alex Kuban exclaimed, "I love live music and even though I'm not involved in either club, I'm a big supporter of the live music scene here in Oneonta."

Overall, the concert was deemed a huge success, while supporting a great cause.

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