Monday, February 22, 2016


By Daija Russell - (Oneonta, NY)

 For the first time in history on February 2, 2016, the Student Association Senate President, Kai Malik, made a drastic adjustment to the upcoming meeting. The President canceled the meeting and reserved spots at the historical “Battle of the Red Dragons” event, so that the entire Student Association could finally cheer on their team and show off their school pride.
Photo Via-
Every Tuesday night at 6:30pm, several students make the sacrifice to sit in the Waterfront room in Hunt Union, for hours at a time to make a difference on campus. It has been brought the Student Association’s attention that the athletic department does not feel supported by them, due to the lack of their physical presence. But that all changed on Tuesday February 9, 2016. After handling business of course, every member went from their suit and ties and then right up to the court-side!
Photo Via- Daija Russell
Photo Via- The Student Association
It is in true fashion that the Student Association works hard and plays hard as well. Now some outsiders looking in may say, “It’s just like the Student Association Senate to always reserve a spot and get special treatment”. What SUNY Oneonta students fail to realize is that their Student Association makes daily sacrifices so that every student could have a better experience during their time here. Even though they canceled their meeting on Tuesday, thus increasing next week’s agenda, it was all worth it.
The students were able to see their support as well as the athletes. This day will definitely be a memorable one and hopefully it will become a Student Association Tradition. Now that the game is over is back into suit and ties… until next time.  

Photo Via- The Student Association

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