Thursday, February 11, 2016

Oneonta men lose in Battle Of The Red Dragons as the women's Oneonta Team prevails with the Win!

JOEL BRUNO (Oneonta, NY) --

Battle of the Red Dragons took place on Feburary 9th, 2016. The ladies won their game 63-55 and mens lost their 64-56. It was a hard fought battle between the two red dragon teams but of course there can only be one winner.

The atmosphere of the game was very different than other home games. The seats were filled with roaring fans cheering for the home team. I asked Head Coach Vincent Medici, What does he expect from his players in todays game due to the fact that his lost the last match up. He replied by saying, "I expect that we are gonna step up and play a lot better then last time, I think we defended well at their place so i expect a lot more today."

The game had an umtempo style of play throughout both halves as you can tell by the pictures defense was key for both teams.
 I interviewed local fan Anthony Lopez who was thrilled to see the new halftime show where all the dance groups showed the crowd their new routines. He said "It was very nice to watch, these girls are talented, the choreography was just great." It was a big deal because it was the first time the Oneonta State Dance Team performed at a halftime show.
 After the game I interviewed Oneonta State shooting guard Grant Massorolli, as I asked what happened down the stretch at the end of the game, he replied by saying , "we were playing good defense but no shots were falling... we haven't been shooting the three ball that good this year." As you can tell by the score Oneonta struggle to hit late threes to keep up with Courtland.
In all it was a good game for both teams who will most likely see each other in the playoffs. Joel Bruno logging Out! 

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