Monday, February 15, 2016

Local Artist's Artwork on Display at Independent Spirit Gallery


Independent Spirit Art Gallery  Photo by Leigha Knepper 2016

The fine arts building on the SUNY Oneonta campus is hosting a gallery called Independent Spirit that displays various pieces of artwork by twenty-four local artists.  Charles Bremer curated the gallery and selected the artists based on his preference of artwork.  Gallery director, Timothy Sheesley, tells us,"whoever curates the show selects the artists based on the connections he has and the ideas he wants to communicate." 

Independent Spirit Art Gallery  Photo by Leigha Knepper 2016

The gallery does not specify in any specific type of medium.  Rather, artists us many different art forms, such as painting, drawing, film, print, sculpture, and photography.  In the art catalogue that is offered to viewers, each artist describes their ideas behind their artwork and it gives the viewer an extra piece of insight into their creative thought process.

Sculpter at Oneonta Art Gallery  Photo by Leigha Knepper 2016

The mural that is presented outside of the gallery is specific to the artwork seen inside.  Christine Heller drew the faces of refugees on the mural to put faces to tragedies.

Mural of Refugees by Christine Heller  Photo by Leigha Knepper 2016

The gallery is open to the SUNY Oneonta students  as well as the public.  Hannah Bartley, a freshman student on campus tells us, "[The gallery] is pretty amazing!  Every piece of artwork has so much detail."
Independent Spirit Art Gallery  Photo by Leigha Knepper 2016

Erin Sullivan is not a student on campus; however, she tells us, "I grew up in this area and I came here with my mom.  It's nice that they have a space here to display local artwork."

Artwork by Tony Pinotti  Photo by Leigha Knepper 2016
The Independent Spirit is a must-see.  There is still time to browse the work of our local artists here at the gallery in the SUNY Oneonta Fine Arts building.  Doors close for this gallery March 18th, 2016, so don't miss out on these incredible pieces of art!

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