Friday, February 19, 2016

Hartwick Overnight Program

By Michaela Davies- ONEONTA NY

This week the annual Hartwick overnight program is in session as up to 26 Hartwick hopefuls flock to the college on the hill, with hopes of obtaining a real life college experience.

The program includes 3 dining experiences in the food hall, the opportunity to sit in on a class of their choice depending on what interests them, a seminar with all H.O.P students and a stay over night with a Hartwick student. Geneen Botton, director of the program said “[This program] is designed for the students to get a greater understanding of how college operates and hopefully give them an enjoyable experience here at Hartwick.” Along with Botton, there are also a number of students involved in the piecing together of the program most of which happen to be athletes and Residential advisors. 

Kirsty Walker Nursing Student ready to host
Photo By Michaela Davies (c) 2016
Liam Brown RA of Leitzell Hall and H.O.P assistant
Photo By Michaela Davies (c) 2016

H.O.P has been running for over 20 years now and has proven to be extremely successful.  A senior host Marc Summy actually participated in the program before he committed to Hartwick almost 4 years ago and still claims it to be “beneficial to prospective students”.  

As the high school students eagerly gather in Yager Hall this weekend, there will be just as many nervous parents gathering around to wish them luck. A complementary afternoon tea is provided for the parents with tea and coffee and snacks courtesy of ARAMARK commons.

Yager Building. Meeting place for H.O.P Students
Photo by Michaela Davies (c) 2016

“We are expecting the weekend to run smoothly and ultimately gain future Hartwick student” Botton said.

This program welcomes college hopefuls from all over. Application forms are found on the Hartwick website at whilst Hartwick’s admissions are happy to answer any question and help with any additional information on: 888-HARTWICK (888-427-8942) or 607-431-4150.

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