Friday, February 19, 2016

Release Your Words Fundraiser at Wilsbach Hall


Creative Writing Club Release Your Words Fundraiser
On Wednesday February 17, 2016  from 11am to 3pm in Wilsbach Hall, the Creative Writing Club held their “Release Your Words” fundraiser. The Creative Writing Club aims to raise as much money as they can and they plan to donate half of the money to benefit the Greater Plains Elementary School. The proceeds will be used by the Greater Plains Elementary School to fund their library skills and literacy program for children. Sam Filkins, the Vice President of the Creative Writing Club says “this is our second annual Release Your Words fundraiser, we had a great turn out last year and we hope to have a great turn out this year as well.”

Thoughtful Words Written On The Canvas

Students and faculty made kind donations to this great cause, and in return helped illustrate, sign their names, or wrote inspiring quotes on a canvas to show support. Kimmy Kehr, a member of the Creative Writing Club explains, “we collect donations for the Greater Plains Elementary School to help them expand their library and people love to add to the canvas to show they support our cause. Its really great because this canvas will be up on display in Hunt Union.”The large canvas, which was donated by the Damascene Book Cellar, will be on display in the International Lounge in the Hunt Union located on our SUNY Oneonta campus.

The Phi Sigma Sigma Sisters 

The sorority Phi Sigma Sigma was at this event as well and they were promoting their talent show fundraiser. The Phi Sigma Sigma talent show will take place on April 6th and all proceeds will go to the school and college readiness organization. Phi Sigma Sigma's Marykate Regam explains “The proceeds will be used to raise money for school supplies for students in need.”

William Blatz: New Student Services
There were some other organizations at this event such as representatives for  New Student Services who were looking for more students to become orientation leaders. William Blatz from New Student Services said “ We hope to have 70 applicants for our orientation leader program here on campus. This is a great program for students who wish to gain more involvement on campus.”

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