Thursday, February 18, 2016

Rajiv Surendra Opens Up About His Life After "Mean Girls"

"Don't let the haters stop you from doin' your thang"
By Bridget Greene (ONEONTA, NY) --

Rajiv Surendra, known for his hilarious role as Kevin G from "Mean Girls", spoke at the Hunt Union Ballroom to explain the numerous lessons he has learned while pursuing his many passions.
Surendra is not only a passionate actor but has many other little-known talents that include painting, pottery, and calligraphy. When comparing the two mediums of art and acting he said, "If you do your job properly as an actor you don't see the work, unlike art where you do." 
SUNY Oneonta student Mary Hartrich said she was drawn to this event because of its description online. "It caught my attention because he was from 'Mean Girls' and then when I read the event description and realized he wasn't doing a comedic act and that he had all these other talents he was going to talk about, I really wanted to come and see what it was about."   

Surendra referencing his character from "Mean Girls"
Rajiv's next journey came immediately after his role in "Mean Girls". He decided to start out on a quest to become the boy from the novel Life of Pi. This book was life altering for Surendra. The similarities between Pi's life and Rajiv's seemed like fate and that he was destined to play the role of Pi, if the movie was ever created. This dream role set Rajiv off on a six-year journey to become the native Indian boy from the book. 

Surendra's commitment to the role led him to India to sit in the same classrooms where Pi sat, learn to swim, and even put himself in the mindset of being cast at sea for days on end. All these adventures made Rajiv Surendra look at life in a new light and made him do things that he never would have otherwise. 
Alex Kuban and Mary Hartrich pose with Rajiv at meet and greet
Ultimately, Rajiv did not receive the part in the film and although the loss was truly heartbreaking. However, it led him on a whole new road with many more adventures to escape reality. Carlie Ornenstien, a junior who also attended this event said, "I thought it was very interesting to learn about his other life experiences and what he did in preparation for the Life of Pi, even though he actually didn't get to do the role." 

Although it has been nearly 12 years since his comedic role alongside Lindsay Lohan and Tina Fey, there is much more to learn about Rajiv Surendra after hearing him speak. Senior Alex Kuban gained a lot of insight into Surendra's life after hearing him speak, stating, "This man has already lived a life, and traveled to places that most can only dream about. It was truly inspirational listening to him talk about the trials he's gone through in his life.”  

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