Thursday, February 18, 2016

Independent Spirit Art Gallery

Independent Spirit Art Gallery 

By Ryan Thorbjornsen --- (Oneonta, NY)

Bedtime Story by Marcus Villagran
The Independent Spirit artists will be showcasing their talents at the Martin-Mullen Art Gallery in the Fine Arts building located on the SUNY Oneonta campus. The gallery is currently open to the public and will be until March 18th.

Independent Spirit is a selection of artist who reside in territory surrounding the Susquehanna and Delaware River Watersheds. The exhibition was created to show a diversity of styles and approaches to making art, include artists that span age and career timelines, and exhibit work in a wide range of size scale and material.

Masks by Ian Austin.
I was fortunate to speak to some of the locals attending the gallery. "It was really cool to see all the different kinds of art. The fact that they're all local artist makes it even better," Josh, a local Oneonta student said.

Viewers were certainly pleased to see all the local talent. Even people who weren't fans of art enjoyed the gallery. "Yeah I'm not really into art but I found the gallery very interesting. To be honest, my friend dragged me here but I'm not really complaining now," Gina, a local resident said jokingly. 

It's always a good thing when locals can get together for a positive cause. Independent Spirit was created to showcase artists who really wanted to get their work out into the world. They accomplished that with the impressive work displayed at the Martin-Mullen Art Gallery.
Keepsakes II by Sondra Franklin

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