Tuesday, March 15, 2016

You Don't Choose the RA Life, it Chooses You

(Pictures coming soon)

If you have ever thought of being an RA, there are definitely plenty of reasons that could entice you to actually give it a go. These reasons range from wanting to live alone, being in a position of power, feeling a part of something bigger then yourself or looking for something to put on your resume. 

For RA Ryan in Huntington Hall the latter would probably apply to him the most. He became an RA three semesters ago as an Education major looking for experience as someone who is somewhat of an authority figure. He figured he'd gain the valuable experience he was looking for, be able to put it on his resume, and be able to meet people in the process.

Ryan would be lying if he said he enjoyed every moment of being an RA. The job comes with plenty of responsibilities and duties. He has meetings he has to attend every week and socials he has to plan and get residents to attend. He also has to make billboards in his hall and get students to go to current events that are happening around campus, and there is no job harder than trying to motivate a bunch of 20-something college students to get out of their rooms and go to college events. But Ryan is a pro at this point and has seen his fair share of things while on duty. He's had kids that are visiting throw up in the hallways and then try to go around the hall thinking it was their own, he's had rude students rip down billboards he worked hard to put up. But he doesn't let it faze him and he believes that its all worth it in the end.

If you are thinking of becoming an RA head down to your halls RD office and let them know your interested. It will definitely come with its challenges, but all good things don't come easy. It can be a difficult job, but it sure is a rewarding experience in the end and it can lead to new opportunities and a bevy of experience.

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