Sunday, March 13, 2016

Hanniebee Lane Boutique Blossoming in Oneonta NY


Sign located in the Hanniebee Lane store
Tonya Harmon, the owner of HannieBee Lane on Main Street in Oneonta, NY, opened her business in September of 2015 and has been providing the town with a fresh style.  HannieBee Lane is a whimsical boutique that sells and supports local items, while capturing a young and simplistic style.

The name Hanniebee Lane comes from family inspiration.  According to Harmon, her daughter's name is Hannah, but everyone called her Hanniebee.  Lane is Harmon's mother's maiden name.  Combined, the names add the perfect charm for this boutique.

Tonya Harmon, boutique owner.
During an interview with Tonya Harmon, I got a better understanding of the intentions of this boutique.  When I asked Harmon her plans for the business she replied, "This is more of a retirement plan and I don't anticipate expanding further."  She is just enjoying owning her own business and her priority is her family.

Mugs, scarves, and bags for sale at Hanniebee Lane
Harmon attended school at Siena College in Loudonville, NY to study English Literature.  "I intended to go to law school and after my four years and after my bachelors, I just decided that I didn't want to go to school anymore and that I needed a break... I came back to Oneonta and started working in retail"  As soon as Harmon stepped foot in the retail industry, she climbed the ladder to success quite quickly as she was offered a management position for the shopping center in Oneonta, NY.  
Family is the main reason that Harmon moved back to her roots in Oneonta. "I grew up in a town Otego, just a little ways from here.  My family is all here so I decided it was time to leave the corporate world and come home."  She found the perfect place to set up shop on Main Street and is enjoying the perks of owning her own business; "I like being my own boss."

One of the best features of the boutique is that many of the items found here are produced locally.  Harmon told me that she enjoys the beauty of local products and is constantly supporting other local businesses. "Candles come from Schenectady... the beauty line that I have here comes from Norwich," and there are many more beautiful, local items.  First time Hanniebee Lane shopper, Lindsay Weber, says that, "a lot of the items here are locally produced and I really like that.  I will definitely be coming back."

When opening up shop in Oneonta, Harmon says the process was pretty smooth.  The first challenge that she faced was initially finding the location.  When she saw the space that was for sale she claims she knew immediately that it was the place for Hanniebee Lane.  "The plan I had in my head for the store is what you see here today."

I asked a difficult question for Harmon, which was an inquiry of her current favorite item in the store.  After taking a few seconds to think, she replied, "I look at every piece like that is sort of an expression of myself, but I think the item I like most is the little black dress."  When I browsed the shop after the interview, I understood the difficulty in my question because every item has its own unique flare and beauty, making it hard to choose only one favorite.  There is definitely an item for everyone in the store.

Harmon's favorite item, The Little Black Dress
Harmon did a wonderful job with the boutique and it is a must-see.  Hanniebee Lane adds a new take on simplicity and beauty in the town of Oneonta that everyone who visits the store will love.

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