Thursday, March 24, 2016

SUNY Oneonta's Information Technology services

By: Corey Williams--Oneonta NY

 Information Technology Services

SUNY Oneonta has a center called the Information and Technology Services that is located down in basement floor of Milne library. Information and Technology Services deal with the Universities critical data systems and technology. They also handle  email, Banner wireless networking, computer labs, my Oneonta web portal, desktop support, student accounts, web development and much more. We also assist students, faculty and staff with repairing and loaning equipment as well as removing viruses and malware. They provide students with free anti virus as well training with software and programs. They also assist in phone blackboard and internet connection problems.

There is sections within Information Technology Services that are delegated different task. One of these sections is called Tips. Tips educates students and help in programs such as is Microsoft Office:  Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Word, and Outlook ,Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 and CS5, Adobe Premier, Adobe Elements,WordPress and much more. There are other sections such as Desktop Support that helps with any computer, laptop, equipment and hardware concerns or needs. Customer support Consultants are another group that deals with students faculty and staff that call in or walk in with a problem. They are also apart of the labs team which are responsible for any printer issues as well as change and replacing toner and paper in all residential and academic buildings on campus.  

 The the sections are separated in the library at three different areas within the basement. There are also two computer labs in the basement of the library within the technology center. The Tech-center Collaborative Computer Lab is where students can work together at the computer stations and interact. The lab has a total of 6 scanning station computers, two video edit stations and  two print kiosks. There are also black and white laser printers and a color laser printer. The Tabin Computer Lab is right beside the Collaborative Computer Lab within the basement and consists of 52 computers 10 of them using iMac the others using Microsoft Windows programming. They also deal with the computer lab located in Hunt Union where many students do work because of the Starbucks across from the lab.

The Information and Technology Services center is open in the fall, spring, and summer. Not only does it have professional staff but student staff as well. The Center gives many students the chance to prove themselves in a complex environment with difficult tasks. The student staff go through training for dealing with issues and solving various problems throughout the semester. There are also professors at the college that hold positions in Information and Technology Services. The center is always busy during the beginning of the fall semester when there are incoming freshman and transfers that need help adjusting to the system. The center continues to make changes in efforts to improve the quality of SUCO campus. The Information and Technology Services center not only deals with the Oneonta but Coopers Town, SUCO alumni, and retired staff. All of these services are of no charge and come with being affiliated with the campus. The center will be waiting in the library for anyone who needs help with answers to fix the problem. 

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