Friday, March 18, 2016

The One and Only, Jimmy T's!


Jimmy T's Logo. (c) Google Images 

Jimmy T’s Cocktail lounge is one of the most legendary hangouts in Oneonta. Loved by the community as well as the college students, Jimmy T’s never fails to bring out the genuine happiness of all of the people who enter. The dedicated and fun couple Jimmy and Anna, always devote their time and energy into owning a place that people are sure to find their nights excitement at. Not only do they offer an unforgettable bar experience, but they are also a tasty restaurant.

Owner and Bartender, Anna. (c) Google Images

Before Jimmy T’s was the notorious cocktail lounge, it was called the Aquarium which Jimmy and Anna share amazing memories of a piranha being the iconic decoration behind the bar. Jimmy reminisces about the memorable nights where people would bring in fishbowls that were purchased in the early parts of the semester. Jimmy offered a deal where people would have the choice to have a goldfish swim in their drink, and then they would publicly devour the goldfish for their friends and fellow colleagues to watch. Also, the Aquarium would offer challenges where friends could team up to compete against other friend groups to acquire victories that would last a lifetime.

Furthermore, Jimmy and Anna are also the caring and reliable landlords of the Ruffino’s Apartments that are located above the bar. I am personally very excited to get to experience living in these beautiful apartments in the upcoming year, with an amazing and convenient location while being fortunate enough to live somewhere that I know is safe and well kept. Jimmy and Anna prioritize their tenants and always make sure that everything is exactly the way the students need it to be, while living in a crazy college town.

Ruffino's Pizzeria and Restaurant. (c) Google Images

Jimmy’s brother owns the pizza place next door to the bar, called Ruffino’s Pizza place. Jimmy mentions how it is an amazing experience to share an infamous location with his family, and that it is also really fun to be running two well known places together.

Bartender, Glen Carey. (c) March 2016

I am lucky to also be close friends with one of the bartenders at Jimmy T’s, Glen Carey, who experiences nothing short of a respectful and committed relationship with Jimmy and Anna. Glen notes that his shifts are always a good time, which is a lucky aspect to have as a college job. Every weekend I always expect to hear “everyone come through to Jimmy’s, it is going to be a good time!” from Glen, and to say this is true- is an understatement. Glen mentions how it is usually an annoyance to work while trying to fufill the college expereince at the same time, but working at Jimmy T's makes this combination easy. 

Although Jimmy and Anna are constantly working several jobs- they enjoy giving college students an amazing experience that they will never forget. We only experience college once, and I know that Jimmy T’s will be a place that I will never forget. Thank you, Jimmy and Anna for being two of the most exciting and dedicated people I know. 

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