Friday, March 18, 2016

Matteson Hall SUNY Oneonta

Shanna Smith---Oneonta, NY
Matteson Hall, SUNY Oneonta
On campus there are many on campus jobs. Where students can work, make some extra cash, but also be willing to help others. A Resident Advisor or RA is the perfect job for someone that is passionate about helping their peers and being highly involved with campus life. When selecting the person that I wanted to interview for this article I went straight to RA Dan. Dan is kind, helpful, and always there to extend a hand when there may be a sticky situation. One time there was a GIANT bug in my room and Dan was there at midnight trying to kill it! Now that is someone that really cares. Dan has said that he "really enjoys his job", and that he is so glad that he got accepted into being a RA.
What some of you might not know is that being selected into being a RA is not easy. Dan and his fellow co workers had to go to many training sessions and other time consuming interest meetings. There are a lot of steps that need to be completed before actually getting the job. Also I personally know many people that went through training, and all the interest meetings, and forms, and then did not get the position. Or they got wait listed. There are many college students that want this job for the wrong reasons to name a few, free room and board, to live in a single, and to have some type of higher power for from your peers. You should want the job if you are like Dan, someone that cares.
With this job comes many hard situations. We are in college, and with that comes crazy college kids. Dan has to basically make sure that the building when he is on duty is safe and the people in it are safe.
With this job also what they have to do is sit in the lobby of the hall and make sure that people are supposed to be in the building. They help people with their mail, and even plan events in the common lounge.
I look forward to updating everyone with more information on RA Dan in my next story! Until then look into if being a RA is for you!

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