Friday, April 15, 2016

SUNY Oneonta Intramurals

Intramural's: Leslie Brownell
SUNY Oneonta Alumni Field House

Intramurals are a large part of many college campuses. Students all across the country use intramurals as a way to make friends and get involved on campus. Sports consistently prove to be a great way to also stay in shape and keep your mental clarity/focus.

SUNY Oneonta is no different.

SUNY Oneonta's campus is home to over 27 different intramural sports opportunities. With many different sports available, it's easy to see every student can be involved in some way. One student who has always been involved is current intramural VP Leslie Brownell.

Now a senior, Brownell has filled her life and college career with sports. Leslie doesn't participate in any Varsity or club sports but intramurals are a year round event.

"I've been playing since I was a freshman. I've met a lot of my close friends through intramural teams, said Brownell. Especially when I was a freshman its always difficult to make new friends but this made it easy."

Intramurals are also a great place for employment. Now the VP, Brownell has been there for three years and finds herself to be extremely lucky for having that job. 

"Most people get wait listed for like three years but I kind of just clicked and the rest is history. It's been a great place to work.

There are intramural sports and teams available in both semesters so check it out. The offices are located in Chase.

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