Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Mariah Johnson: Much More Than An Athlete


Pictured Left: Mariah Roberts (Photo Courtesy of Mariah Roberts)

       As her legs swish to a robotic-like motion, Mariah Johnson, track star supreme loops around the track during her warmup. Not only does the look on her face show concentration, but, dedication. "I usually run everyday and lift in Alumni as well." Mariah stated about her usual routine.
       Sprints and hurdles are Mariah's fortay and where she excels on the track. However, while Mariah has become extremely successful on the track, she also excels off of it in her academic as well as personal life. Mariah's teammate, Megan Holzwarth, described Mariah as the passionate person she is. " Mariah is always giving 100 percent on and off the track. She is an amazing friend and always giving other teammates support and help when they need it. I am so lucky to have a teammate and friend like her."

          Mariah states that joining the Oneonta Women's Track team has given her many memories. She tells stories of the memories of her best track days. " I remember when I was a freshman and nervous for how the team was going to accept me or even how I was going to compare to other runners. But, then, I realized that this team is different than any other one." As Mariah stated this her face began to light up. "I remember the rush of feelings when the girl's track team found out we won the State University of New York Athletic Conference Championship. I looked at my teammates and have honestly felt the most accomplished I have in awhile."
           Mariah describes the SUNYAC win as something different than other wins because it was a team effort. She states "when you beat your own set personal goals or personal records there's a certain type of success you feel. But, when you are part of a team and you all beat your own goals and those goals come together as one win, that is the type of success I strive for." When asked what she wants to do in the future, Mariah replied with "I want to keep running. No matter where I go in life this will be with me. I will continue to run and run. It is a stress reliever and more importantly what I love to do so it will follow me no matter what. I want to be 80 and still doing this."
All in all, Mariah Roberts is definitly a track star in the making and all around good person. Her love for her friends, teammates and her passion (running) has brought her a long way and will definitely bring her further in the future. Her smile exudes happiness and shows what SUNY Oneonta can do for a person. Mariah's favorite quote "be open to possibilities and follow what drives you" describes her persona and her viewpoint for her life. She definitely won't stop achieving her goals at SUNY Oneonta. This is merely the beginning.



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