Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Lyteshia Price: Devoted Mom, Student, and Oneonta Basketball Player

Lyteshia Price: Devoted Mom, Student, and Oneonta Basketball Player.

By: Clark Poccia (Oneonta, NY)

Oneonta star women’s basketball player, Lyteshia Price, number 0, is a walking inspiration to everyone. Price is currently a final semester senior majoring in physics. Her most recent accomplishment was being awarded the SUNY SUNYAC 2016  Women's Player Of The Year Award.

Price is a dedicated full time mother, an excellent student, and a star basketball player. Price is full of inspiration, “whatever you don’t feed will eventually die i.e. negativity, painful relationships, and spirit.” she says.

School has always come first to Price, "Before my daughter, school came first and now that she is here it only became 1.5,” she says. “School is something that I have always taken serious and will continue to take serious.”

Lyteshia Price’s daughter, London, is one of her personal biggest inspirations. She comes and supports her mom at big games and her teammates love when London comes to watch. Price also says another big inspiration is her mom, “My mom is hard working and never gives excuses, I would call her freshman year and complain and she always told me that your either going to play or your not. You’re going to put the work in or your not,” says Price.

It is not easy being a full time mother, student and starting guard on the Oneonta women’s basketball team. Price says that in order to practice she had to find baby sitters. In support of Price the lacrosse team volunteered to watch her daughter London.

Price’s friend Precious Mcshall also is always willing to help out her friend Lyteshia whenever she needs her. Precious has known Lyteshia since sophomore year and also helps babysit London. Precious also calls Lyteshia “a very inspirational person”.

While majority of people in Price’s shoes would have just given up and threw in the towel, Lyteshia did not. She pushed threw and became a stronger person. Price has her eyes set on her goals, and nothing will stop her from achieving them.

She is soon to graduate Oneonta with a degree in Physics this spring 2016, but when she walks back through the Oneonta pillars, she will know that she has touched and inspired many people.

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