Thursday, April 14, 2016

Scott Boyer

By Shanna Smith---Oneonta, NY

Fitzelle Hall, SUNY Oneonta

In the picture above you see the beautiful Fitzelle hall, located on the SUNY Oneonta campus. This building holds many classes and majors. But the best class I have ever taken in this hall was Argumentation with Professor Scott Boyer.
Scott has a very large fan base on this campus. Students can not say anything bad about him. He is somebody that brightens everyone's day! He does this by cracking jokes, being witty, and just not being the regular boring college professor,
Since his move from miami Scott says that he loves Oneonta. He says that everyone is super nice and he loves that his dog has a lot of property to run and play on. Because in Miami it's "just not like that" says Boyer. Another aspect that Boyer loves about this tiny city is that everyone is so nice and friendly. He says that his students are great, and make his day!
What makes Scott so unique is that he is a Author, a Lawyer, and a Professor. He really is a jack of all trades! Scott has done so many amazing things so far in his life that it seems like he can basically just do anything!
The unfortunate news is that Scott will be leaving come this semester and going back to Miami. He has very much enjoyed his time here but with a man like Scott he is always on the move. Students are so upset to see him leave, and the Oneonta Communication Studies major just won't be the same without him.

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