Sunday, April 17, 2016

Inside look at Professor Stephen Rice's Life

By: Casey Riordan

Professor Rice is a English professor here at SUNY Oneonta and teaches classes such as advanced composition 200. Professor Rice has been teaching for 30 years, but that was not his original plan in life. He originally wanted to be a veternarian but soon realized he could not fulfill that dream when he could not even pass chemistry 101. So then Professor Rice turned to English. 
Professor Rice 
Something that stood out to me was during the interview is when Professor Rice stated, "Its frustrating, you can love something but still find it frustrating, mind expanding, and sad all at the same time." He was talking about his experience teaching. It just shows the Professors here are all down to earth and have feelings as well.

Tim Liguori (Student of Professor Rice)

I spoke with Tim Liguori who is currently enrolled in Advanced Composition with Professor Rice and asked him how he enjoyed it and what he got out of it. "Before this class I didn't really like writing too much. Professor Rice has perfected my grammar, composition skills, and overall essay formatting."

All in all Professor Rice is an all around respected Professor here at SUNY Oneonta by his students and fellow colleagues. Many students have benefited from taking one of his classes so do not be a fool sign up now for next year!
View from back of his classroom

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