Thursday, October 20, 2016

What an ATM does

There are nine ATM's on the SUNY Oneonta campus. There is one for each of the resident halls. They divide their time between hours in their halls and Academic Advisement. People know that they have an ATM in their hall but few people actually know what an ATM does. ATM stands for Academic Team Member. Most people use ATM's to help them decide what classes to take or to figure out how soon or late they could graduate. 

Netzer hall, Oneonta New York
But many people do not even think to use an ATM and instead just try to use their friends to figure out what to do. Each ATM has an office in their respected hall, where they spend a certain amount of hours each week. They each also divide up time in Academic Advisement which is located in Netzer hall.

When asked what kind of students he gets the most ATM Connor Chapman said “we get a wide range of students, there is not really one specific kind.” This shows that it is not just freshman who use ATM’s but all levels of students. Chapman also said that he gets a lot more people at Academic Advisement then he does when he is at his hall. He noted that he sees a lot more people there than at his hall.

Chapman also noted that he is the busiest with students at the very begging of the semester when students are adding and dropping classes. And during registration when students are signing up for classes. Chapman said that during these two times he is very busy at Academic Advisement. But during other times of the year he does not see a lot of students because they do not need a lot of academic help from him. 

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