Sunday, October 23, 2016

The MANny On Campus

By: Sonia Cerdeno ( Oneonta, NY)

Manny Velazquez is a junior student at SUNY Oneonta. Manny is known on campus for his great personality and skill on the court. Manny balances his time between his job, studies, and basketball. Manny is currently  in his second year as a intramural worker and is enjoying everyday of it, he says" I love my job, It's the best job on campus!". Manny as a sophomore began working intramurals and under the guidance of Tom Demao he has been growing into a fine worker and young man. He works various sports basketball, football, softball and soccer. Many of his co-workers love and respect him due to his ability to get the job done, get along with people and his great personality. However Manny also excels on the basketball court, his talent and skill allows him to shine on the court. Manny is a part of his own intramural basketball team (RNS). They have won back to back championships and have gone undefeated since Manny has joined the team. Manny is a 6'4 forward and has an all around game but it is his scoring that sets him apart. His teammates recognize him as a great player and are happy with what he brings to the court. Manny is looking forward to this upcoming season and is eyeing his third straight championship. He also wants to maintain his undefeated record "I take pride in not having lost one game". Manny is ready for the challenges coming upon him and he feels he's ready for it all. Manny is great young man and if you attend SUNY Oneonta you should definitely get to know him, but you might want to stay away from him on the court. Whoever his girlfriend is very lucky.

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