Thursday, October 20, 2016

Oneonta State Dance Team: Behind the Curtain

 By Cassidy Kramer (Oneonta, NY)--

The Oneonta State Dance Team, or OSDT, is one of the many facets of dance at SUNY Oneonta. The OSDT was established in 2009 and has been growing ever since.  Last semester, the team was approved for brand new uniforms for the first time since the team was founded seven years ago.  Now a squad that used to be comprised of only 12 girls has finally reached its maximum capacity of 25 girls!  


Fearless Leaders      

Tabitha McGill (c) 2016
The OSDT has four captains this year, two of which are returning seniors and two new captains that are juniors.  They meet two times a week—outside of practice time— in order to choreograph and take care of any other team business, such as setting up fundraisers or even designing fun merchandise for the team.  Their only difficulty as captains who are the same age as their dancers is that it is sometimes hard being an authority figure to girls that are their best friends.

 “Because I’m a junior there are some girls that are older than me; there are seniors on the team, so sometimes it’s hard to correct them and tell them what to do and be quiet because they are older than me, so it just feels kind of awkward, but you just have to do it.” – Sarah Strachan

Practice Makes Perfect    

Tabitha McGill (c) 2016
These dancers work hard each Tuesday and Thursday to perfect their technique and practice their jazz and hip hop routines.  The OSDT performs these routines at various school events such as soccer games, basketball games and even Midnight Madness!  They're also lucky enough to be able to compete in at least one competition every Spring Semester.  The captains say that it's great to get outside feedback that will help them improve as a unit, as well as the fact that it's a fun bonding experience!

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