Wednesday, October 19, 2016

SUNY Oneonta's Hidden Gem: The Wire TV

The Wire TV

By Samantha Johnson (ONEONTA, NY)---

Wire TV Logo
SUNY Oneonta Website (c) 2016
What is The Wire?
The Wire TV is SUNY Oneonta’s very own student run television station. The club offers students hands on experience working in a real life television studio. Whether it is in the control room, on camera, or behind the scenes, students develop skills in all aspects of television production. 

The Control Room
SUNY Oneonta Website (c) 2016
 There are six shows produced and directed strictly by SUNY Oneonta students. The shows range from sports to movies to celebrity news and gossip. Each show requires around 12 members on the crew. This allows students to learn a variety of positions. Wire TV Secretary, Bridget Greene said, “I was able to learn how to do different positions and ultimately moved up to be a floor manager, then I did camera, and know I’m a producer.”                               

The Future
Students agree that the club offers them a fun experience working in TV production, but how it prepares them for the future is what they enjoy the most. Wire TV member and transfer student, Austin Teitelbaum said, “I learned so much already in a month. I know to do camera, how to pan, how to zoom. I never knew that stuff before joining.” The Wire allows its members to write, produce, and put together full episodes that will essentially help them land jobs upon graduating from Oneonta. 

Wire TV's Vimeo Page
Vimeo (c) 2016

Where to find The Wire
The club holds its general body meetings every other Thursday at 6 pm in IRC 9. The executive board meets every week at 5:30 pm as well. Each of the shows films its episodes weekly in the IRC television studios. The Wire TV’s episode's air on Channel 14 on campus and are posted to The Wire TV’s Vimeo page as well.

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