Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Role of being President of National Sorority

By Susie Pistone-- ( Oneonta, NY)

     Being the President of a National sorority is a time consuming position that many people overlook it for being as important as it is. Sigma Delta Tau is a national Greek life organization, the Gamma Epsilon chapter is based on the SUNY Oneonta campus. A National sorority has a lot of responsibilities due to the fact that as a chapter you have to consult with your National headquarters. Many of these responsibilities fall into the lap of the organizations President.
      Ashley Bogert is the current Sigma Delta Tau, Gamma Epsilon chapter President. According to Ashley her job consists of many daily tasks and responsibilities, " as President it's my job to report back to our National advisor Shira as well as hold office hours for our members to contact me." Ashley also explains that as President she is in charge of running SDT's weekly chapter meetings as well as making sure the people who hold other positions in the organization are doing their jobs. As well as these responsibilities Ashley also runs our weekly chapters  meetings. During these meetings she makes announcements and runs group discussions.

Olivia Kearney is the Vice President of SDT and explains in my interview with her how Ashley collaborates with her and other members of the executive board. According to Olivia's interview she reports to Ashley if she has any questions on how to execute an event properly. Olivia also mentioned in my interview that Ashley makes sure each event runs smoothly. Ashley is also the liaison between our chapter and our Nationals.

Link to my package:


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