Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Tom Petty of Spike Ball

By Casy Kies (Oneonta, NY)—Billy Riedel, a junior at SUCO, is an all-around competitor that takes the game spike ball to the next level.

Casy Kies 2016 (c)
“Some say I’m the Richard Petty of Spike ball. Having played sports my whole life, Spike ball was just another game I could dominate in. The game has been trending around the nation, and it was just a matter of time before I got my hands on a set. "At home, my friends and I had tournaments every week on the beach so I knew I was in mid season form coming back to Oneonta.” States Riedel

Casy Kies 2016 (c)
Spike ball is a two-on-two game that consists of a ball and a round net. Similar to Volleyball, you and your partner are allowed three hits before that ball has to be returned to the other team by spiking the ball down onto the net.

In the short time Riedel has been playing he has become a well-known powerhouse all the way from Long Island, NY, his hometown, to Oneonta, NY. Riedel stated, “It’s been nothing short of an amazing ride the last 2 years, going from just playing with my friends in my free time, to playing for a national title”. It’s no surprise that he’s been ranked #1 in the recent AP Polls.

“Once a competitor, always a competitor. My competitive nature all started at a young age showing my pure breed terrier at the National Dog Show”, says Riedel. After watching Riedel on the field, its no question the experience from the dog show has paid off. He’s so nibble on his feet, yet has such a confident demeanor. After making multiple seemingly impossible saves on the field I couldn’t help but mention his cat-like reflexes. “I don’t like cats” Riedel responded.

Active teammate Dillon Merola, “Bill’s motivational speeches before ever match we play help me stay focused and help us dominate as a team.”

 Riedel is excited to have brought his talents to Oneonta and eager for some better competition.

Link to my video

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