Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Jason Newman the Volleyball Fanatic
Written by: Paul Ibraham
October 19th, 2016

Jason Newman is a 19 year old Sophomore here at SUNY Oneonta. Jason, along with his friends, all compete in a league that places them against some of the other teams that play here on campus. Jason began his passion for volleyball early at the age of 7 years old.

"I've always loved volleyball even as a little kid. I remember playing at family parties or events and just loving it; I didn't want to stop."

"Being on a team is much more rewarding compared to performing in a sport where you're the only player. Being able to rely on others and put in effort as a group is a lot more challenging and fun. It requires more communication and trust, which i think helps build relationships between teammates."

Jason Newman is now on his second semester straight of playing volleyball and doesn't plan to stop. Fellow friend and teammate of Jason, Mike Weidenkeller, went on to say, "having Jason on the team is great. He is a team player and is actively trying to move the ball around as opposed to handling it all on himself. Its great having him as a part of our team." Jason is now two games away from entering the playoffs and him and his teams have their hopes high.

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