Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Professor Rahul Rastogi: Culture and Education

Professor Rastogi explaining cultural differences between India and the U.S. Joshua Shatesky 
© 2016
Most if the students and faculty at SUNY Oneonta haven't experienced the other side of the world. The culture and lifestyle in other parts of the world is definitely SHOCKING (hense the term, "Culture Shock"). One of the professors in the communications department has lived most of his life as well as taught in India.

Professor Rahul Rastogi is teaching in his first semester in Oneonta. Prior to that, he has studied and taught Communications in Lucknow University in India. Then, he moved to Indiana to study at Purdue University. After graduating from there, he worked at Western Illinois University before coming to the State University of Oneonta.

“Between India and here in the United States, there is of course a big cultural difference that happens within a classroom. In India, a classroom is more hierarchical. Way more hierarchical than here," says Prof. Rastogi about one the cultural differences that he has noticed in the classrooms.

Rahul Rastogi is very repected by both his colleagues and students. Rastogi mentions that he loves teaching the students here at SUCO, especially for the fact that they love to learn and enjoy being involved in class activities and discussions.

When I asked Professor Rastogi about the one piece of advice he would give anyone who would want to teach or study in a different country, he said, “Study the culture of that country and be humble.”


web story 1

       How many of you have ever dreamt of being a rockstar? Whether or not if you have, it doesn't mean that there aren't talented people in this world capable of making it happen. The odds of succeeding at becoming a famous musician are about one in a million. The thing is, those that do make it are never on their own, they're only as strong as their team. And in today's music scene, having a strong team increases the odds of "making it". With advancements in technology, it's becoming easier and easier to build a decent team, so much so that colleges are dedicating whole curriculums to the production of both audio and video, and learning about the industry, from every perspective. Furthermore, at these colleges; clubs are being formed either by the school or the students themselves, just to do what it is that contributes to something amazing being put into this world.

           One of these clubs in particular is Suny Oneonta's Audio Production and Engineering Club. APEC is a student run club for the purpose of learning through hands-on experience of being in a studio environment. It's a by us for us to show those interested in the entire process of creating, recording, mixing, mastering, and distributing the work of a student, brave enough to enter the booth. Meeting "every" Tuesday night in the studio, it shows those dedicated to really learn the craft that the education the get during the day pays off, and that teamwork really does make the dream work; so that one day, some artist and their team can eventually release something that would even make Kanye smile.    

Monday, October 24, 2016

Financial Aid Office - FASFA

By: Michelle Pena (Oneonta, NY)

Located in 123 Netzer, the financial aid office helps students with requirements, disbursements and any actions required to experience a smooth ride in the aid processes throughout students four years here in SUNY Oneonta. What helps in these smoothly run operations are the financial aid counselors.

The big buzz in the Financial aid office on the SUNY Oneonta campus is that FASFA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is now available for the 1718 school year. FASFA used to be available in January but now it is about a year earlier. This now gives you the ability to submit all required documents from the previous year which makes it so such easier on counselor, parents and most importantly, students! As students are filling out the application all they have to do is get their parents 2015 tax returns and other required documents which would already be on file and this is what makes it so much easier and beneficial.

Speaking to one of the 6 counselors in the office, Serenity Beardslee gave much insight about this new change. It will create the stress free environment and she hopes that overall this change is for the better as it will now be like this moving forward.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Jennifer Mahar - Education and Leadership


With a staff of over 20 college students, a building with over 300 students, and the responsibility to make sure all operations run smoothly - Jennifer Mahar is the embodiment of the ideal Residence Hall Director. Jennifer Mahar is currently the Residence Hall Director of Hulbert Hall. She has been the RD for over 20 semesters. Jennifer Mahar currently lives in Hulbert Hall with her three kids and husband. Attitude reflects leadership is the motto Jennifer Mahar lives by when it comes 
to her workplace. 

Jennifer Mahar graduated from Endicott college with the hindsight to work for Nike. However, things changed when she was offered a job at SUNY Oneonta. As time progressed, Jennifer realizes the true importance of being an RD - being a student advocate.

"I treat students as human beings, not just students." - Jennifer Mahar

Jennifer Mahar will continue working at Hulbert Hall as the residence director. She is truly a role model for not only RDs on campus but RDs across the world.

Package 1: https://youtu.be/KUbELpvi6kc

The MANny On Campus

By: Sonia Cerdeno ( Oneonta, NY)

Manny Velazquez is a junior student at SUNY Oneonta. Manny is known on campus for his great personality and skill on the court. Manny balances his time between his job, studies, and basketball. Manny is currently  in his second year as a intramural worker and is enjoying everyday of it, he says" I love my job, It's the best job on campus!". Manny as a sophomore began working intramurals and under the guidance of Tom Demao he has been growing into a fine worker and young man. He works various sports basketball, football, softball and soccer. Many of his co-workers love and respect him due to his ability to get the job done, get along with people and his great personality. However Manny also excels on the basketball court, his talent and skill allows him to shine on the court. Manny is a part of his own intramural basketball team (RNS). They have won back to back championships and have gone undefeated since Manny has joined the team. Manny is a 6'4 forward and has an all around game but it is his scoring that sets him apart. His teammates recognize him as a great player and are happy with what he brings to the court. Manny is looking forward to this upcoming season and is eyeing his third straight championship. He also wants to maintain his undefeated record "I take pride in not having lost one game". Manny is ready for the challenges coming upon him and he feels he's ready for it all. Manny is great young man and if you attend SUNY Oneonta you should definitely get to know him, but you might want to stay away from him on the court. Whoever his girlfriend is very lucky.

WIreTV: Expanding Minds and Resumes

Tyler Kimball (Oneonta, NY)

Located in Studio B in the Hogdon IRC building, you will find the home of WireTV. WireTV is the student run television production club that broadcasts campus wide and in the surrounding community.
WireTV logo
SUNY Oneonta (c)

For those who are looking for the hands on experience that comes with getting a job in this field after graduation, then this is the place for you. “I love this club because it teaches you a lot about the more hands-on, you know, you work as talent where you get to write scripts, you work directing, you work camera work. This club is great because it teaches you everything that goes into running a live broadcast”, says anchor and crew member Austin Tietelbaum.

WireTV Control Room
SUNY Oneonta (c)
Mass communication majors and those with a love for television can all find happiness in one of the six shows that WireTV has to offer. WireTV takes pride in being a club that anyone can join a crew and feel at home. With the idea of home in mind, it is easy to see why some members spend so much time in the studio.  WireTV President Sam Johnson states, “everything with the Wire is all about hands on experience. I’ve never seen a club that I could work in an actual TV studio”.

Whether you are interested in movies, music, sports, gossiping about Hollywood news, or reading the news, it won’t be long until you are feeling right at home along with the other eager and dedicated members who help this club be so successful. 

Madeline Silber Design

Madeline Silber Design

By Steven Dorney (Oneonta, NY)

Pictured: Madeline Silber (Photo by Julieve Jubin)
 Madeline "Maddy" Silber has an accomplished background as a painter and a professor, graduating with a MFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art and a BA in Painting and Literature from Sarah Lawrence College. She always had a side job as a part time professor so she can make her main priority making her art. Painting for more than 25 years, Maddy had some life changes come into the picture and she needed a better salary; looking at the scarce job market here at Oneonta for the Arts, she decided graphic design was her best option to use her high level artistic ability affectively while maintaining her steady salary as an Adjunct Professor.  Maddy took graphic design classes here at SUNY Oneonta while also having a tutor help her with the technical aspect of computer art, and she fell in love with identity/logo design. She loves the way you pre-conceptualize a logo in your head before you actually make it, similar to her process in painting. Maddy also enjoys the collaboration between what the clients want in a logo and what herself as the designer can bring to the table.

Madeline Silber's Website: msilberdesign.com
Fast forward and Madeline is a successful brand identity designer for regional small businesses, with her very own website msilberdesign.com. Here you can search through Maddy's portfolio which includes her awesome Case Studies in logo design and professional paintings. There is also an About page that briefly describes her background in painting and her passion for creating beautifully functional designs for clients. If you want to contact Maddy there is a Contact tab on her website which links directly to her email.

Steven Dorney Package 1     https://youtu.be/L36sfAPwYvM

Late Night Oneonta - Oneonta's Student-Run Talk Show

By Aidan Simonds (Oneonta, NY)

For any Oneonta student interested in working in television, there's no better organization than Wire TV. It is a student-run television channel operated on the campus, and students can get real-life experience in a working studio. There are a variety of shows on the channel, and one such program is Late Night Oneonta. It is a talk show styled similarly to shows like The Tonight Show and The Late Show, and features student interviews, skits, and performances. The director is junior Marissa Tambasco, currently on her second year running it.

Host Troy O'Brien and Laura Varela interview a guest on Late Night Oneonta
When asked how she got the job, Marissa joked, "There wasn't anyone who wanted to do it." Right after, she clarified that even so, she wanted the job. "If there were a line of people, I would've made sure I got the show," she explained, showing just how dedicated she is. Marissa also wanted to have someone in charge with her, so she turned to senior Daniela Plunkett, who only joined Wire when Marissa asked her to join LNO. "Marissa and I do a lot of things together," she said, saying that Marissa told her "we should take a crack at it together."  For someone who leans more to film, Daniela noted several differences. "Television, at least the multi-cam format is much more low maintenance," she explained in how having several cameras in a studio, as opposed to only one on a film set, can completely change the feel.

Troy and Laura enter the studio
One of the hosts of LNO is sophomore Laura Varela, who was not expecting hosting a TV show to be part of her college experience. For her, that is what has made the experience so memorable. "I guess my favorite part is the fact that I've never done anything like this before," she said. When asked to give advice on anyone looking to do something similar, she replied, "You should look up some of the people that are inspirations."

When asked to give advice for anyone looking to work into television as well, she had one piece of advice. "It's okay to ask for help."

Friday, October 21, 2016

WONY Oneonta

by Collin Ungerleider (Oneonta, NY)

The entrance to WONY in the basement of Alumni Hall
WONY Oneonta is SUNY Oneonta's student-run radio station, noted for the variety of content afforded by its free-form on air format. WONY was founded in 1962, and has a long, proud history of bringing entertainment and information to SUCO students as well as the greater Otsego area.

The door to Studio A, where DJs broadcast live
"I love the people . . . that's number one" says Julia Falcone, WONY's Music Director. DJs at WONY contribute to a tight-knit and welcoming community at the station, nearly resembling that of a greek life organization. As DJ Drew D'Ambrosio puts it, "It's more or less a family . . . we love to see each other grow."

WONY is also host to a handful of Oneonta community members and SUCO faculty who host their own shows at the station, including history professor William Ashbaugh. "Some of my students noticed that I was always talking about music, and they said . . . we kind of have a dearth of people right now if you wanna try out for the station and learn how to do it all, we could do that."

WONY's mixing board, which controls everything that goes over the air
WONY presents itself to the SUCO campus as a place of free expression and collaboration. The format of the station has always been kept open to allow DJs to explore genres and artists not normally represented on commercial radio, and to introduce listeners to new music. "If there's one thing I want people to know about WONY," says General Manager Jessie King, "is that it exists for everybody . . . our purpose is to provide news and entertainment for basically everybody around us, and it's something that everyone can participate in."

                   C.A.M.P. Program at SUNY Oneonta 

By Rosario Rodriguez (Oneonta, NY) 

  CAMP, you mean the camps we would to over the summer break when we were younger? Well, not really. The program is actually federally funded program since the 60s by President Johnson. The purpose is to serve migrant and seasonal farmworkers homes or children during their first year of college. This scholarship based program provides academic and financial support. 


        These students will develop their 1st skills, build their confidence up and make connections. This C.A.M.P. family is a home because it is important to have a family, especially since being away from home can be different. Being the only C.A.M.P. program at out of all SUNY schools in New York State, Oneonta takes much pride in this achievement. The Director of this program, Patricia Hanley, continues to make this program thrive for 15 years straight. The way to be admitted to be a C.A.M.P. students is by taking the ACT, SAT, have above a 78 GPA in high school or have a GED. This program provides students field trips to gain experiences, a C.A.M.P. ambassador, a tutor and a counselor in order to stay on top of their things. 

Do not miss out on this great program! Not only that, but this program helps students with FASFA, TAP, internship hunting, provides them with resources and encourages them to build a relationship with their professors. They are there to help students have a better opportunity to be accepted into a college and receive a high education.