Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Walking for a cause: SUNY Oneonta student fashion show

Jimmy Laurenzo - Oneonta, NY

     When you think of Alumni Field House on the Suny Oneonta campus, athletics come to mind. You may be surprised to learn that the venue also played host to the student fashion societies annual spring fashion show. The show put on full display the hard work of student designers, models, and event coordinators.

The Site of the Fashion Show, Alumni Field House
     The event gave students the opportunity to gain hands-on and practical experience for the real world after graduation. Students take on different roles that they are interested in. Students interested in being designers are given creative control to design outfits for their models. Carefully planning out seams and color ways for a look that would fit the theme of their line. Designer, Leslie Santane, told us just how valuable the event is, "Ultimately this helps with your experience because you understand what it's like to work under pressure and then you're able to create a portfolio which then you can use in your professional career."
    Models then must prepare for the runway, making sure that they are physically and mentally prepared to make the walk. Meticulously prepping their hair, makeup, and walking technique they prepare for the runway. Model Stefanee Sherman gave more insight into the process, " it's surprising how much work goes into it," chuckled Sherman, she continued, " It gives you an appreciation for just how much goes into a show for a model. You can't just go out there and wing it, you really need to be prepared." 

Models walking the runway at the student fashion show

     Then there are the event coordinators who ensure that all of the pieces of the show come together to make a successful event. Despite being unseen they are among the most important. Staging, lighting, sound, model management, and countless other behind the scenes tasks fall onto the lap of the events coordinators in order for the show to run smoothly. It seems to be paying off big as the audience members raved all show long. Oneonta resident, Tina Denu, stated, " It was great everyone looked and presented so well, I was very impressed."

     The event is about so much more than just the outfits. It symbolizes something much bigger. The national issue of budget cuts to different art programs. The arts have always been staple courses on college campuses across the country. In the past decade budget cuts have ravaged art programs across the country and this fashion show is a way for Oneonta students to take a stance. Despite being a national issue, it hits home to many involved in the show. Model, Tiffany Rosenthal took her own personal experience and spoke passionately about the subject, "I’ve just found out that one of my favorite professors has gotten cut from his job, he’s been here 18 years. He’s brought in so much to this program, he’s brought in art conferences every year, and I really think it’s unfair that someone who’s dedicated so much time is no longer here."

Model, Tiffany Rosenthal
     Many others at the event stated how art programs have been formative in their education and also their personal lives. Model, Stefanee Sherman said, "For me like art got me through high school and art is the reason I’m here. And I’m losing my photo teacher who’s somebody who’s influenced a lot in where I’m going with my major and he’s helped me a lot throughout the two years that I’ve been here." This powerful sentiment goes to show just how important the arts are for schools across the country.

The student fashion society annual spring fashion show proved to be much more than just glitz and glam. The event was a chance for students to demonstrate real world applications for the art of fashion while simultaneously taking a stance on the national issue of budget cuts to the arts. This student event was successful in more ways than one.

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