Saturday, May 14, 2016

Oneontas take on Earth day


On Suny Oneonta's the school tries to implement the idea of reduce, reuse and recycle as much as they can.  In many dorm buildings they put up flyers, posters etc. and even have recycle bin's in each dorm room.

Earth Day is every April 22nd and Suny Oneonta kids celebrated by cleaning up around campus, and even around the town of Oneonta.  One Oneonta student Melissa Litterello states  "On earth day I like to go to table rock and just be thankful for all my nature surroundings that we have, whenever I see someone liter is breaks my heart because some people are so unaware of why it is so important to keep our earth clean."

Knowing that students actually do care, and take the time to reduce, reuse and recycle shows that the flyers and effort that the school puts in to make sure there students go green is actually working.
Great job Suny Oneonta on keeping not only your campus a safe community, but also keeping the world a better and cleaner place.

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