Monday, May 9, 2016

Student Fashion Society Fights Against Unemployment in the Fashion Industry


The hardest job as a Fashion Designer is finding the job itself.  Fashion Design is all about the portfolio and employers are more interested in previous work rather than educational background.  To fight against the hardships of unemployment, the SUNY Oneonta Student Fashion Society Club holds an annual Fashion Show in the Alumni Field House where students interested in the world of fashion can express their talent and build a portfolio.

This year's student Fashion Show was held on April 30th, 2016.  Designers, models, club members, and helpful students flocked to the Alumni Field House bright and early that morning.  Preparation for the show was intense, yet worthwhile as students saw their designs alive on the runway.  Tears filled the eyes of proud parents, and loving friends cheered the students on.  Model, Erica Stopler tells us, "It is a great way to get your foot in the door."

In an interview with Student Fashion Society E-Board member, Taylor Torro, we were informed that, "Anyone can design for the fashion show and display their work on the runway.  We also have the wearable art collection which is an assignment through a class."  Even students who are not affiliated with a Fashion program can participate in the show.  Garments are checked frequently by Professor Annacletta Chiweshe to be determined whether or not they are runway ready.

Judges Deliberating on Student Work
All aspects of the Fashion Show are directed through the Student Fashion Society Club.  Preparation for the show began in the beginning of the fall semester, and only grew more intense as the deadline for the show approached.  Designers are informed that all garments must be original designs and cannot be followed by a pattern.  During the show, judges determine which designer lines are most appealing to the audience and constructed most efficiently.  Three of the top designers are rewarded with not only their accomplishment, but also with gift cards and dress forms.

For a designer to be able to add a Fashion Show win onto their resume, it has some potential to propel them further into a career and stand out from many other applicants.  SUNY Oneonta's Fashion Design students should strongly consider presenting their own line in the few years to come in order to build an impressive resume and portfolio.

Stay in touch with more events held by the SUNY Oneonta's Student Fashion Society in the coming Fall 2016 semester.
Models Line up Behind The Scenes

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