Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Voices Of Serenity: Keeping The Music Alive

Robert Roman Chair of Music Department
Budget cuts to school music programs are affecting schools nationwide. This widespread issue can present major challenges for students and faculty that have a great passion for musical expression. This issue hits home for many students here at SUNY Oneonta. Recently our music department here at SUNY Oneonta was in jeopardy of facing budget cuts. This news came as a major shock to students here at SUNY Oneonta as we are a liberal arts school and our music program is such a popular major and integral aspect of our school.

Robert Roman, the Chairman of our music department gave a statement about this matter in a personal interview with me stating, “As musicians were sort of used to the idea of having to advocate for music. Unfortunately music is one of the first things to be cut when there are hard times.” Robert Roman explains the main factors that were up for debate; he goes on to say, “There were two major things being discussed: weather the department really needed a B.A. in music and to cut some of the applied music courses.” In response to this possibility of music cuts the department had to strongly advocate for what they believed in and presented their case to the administration. Robert Roman states “They saw the value in what we do and were really happy about that.” Robert Roman proudly declared, “I’m happy to say that there will not be any budget cuts to our music program!”

Left to Right: Mrs. Watts, Adia Watts, Danielea Grant
Students on campus come together to express their musical creativity and true appreciation for music in every aspect of their lives. Musical groups on campus like Voices of Serenity have been advocating for music for years. The President of Voices of Serenity, Danielea Grant explained, “As a gospel choir we believe that no matter what the setbacks are and no matter what it is God would always provide a way for us to give back to the community.” Danielea goes on to say, “To keep the music alive every semester we have concerts and this year we recently celebrated our tenth year anniversary. We had alumni’s come back up and we had a huge concert with the alumni’s.”

Voices of Serenity 10th Year Anniversary Concert
I asked members of Voices of Serenity about how they strive to advocate for musical expression and keep the music alive within the hearts of SUNY Oneonta students. Voices of Serenity alumni Vivian Wright explained, “We made our presence known on campus everybody knows VOS (Voices of Serenity), and we are well respected. Basically were just trying to keep the legacy going as each new class comes in to keep it growing and stay relevant.” Finally, SUNY Oneonta student and member of Voices of Serenity Adia Watts passionately stated, “I think that the music Voices of Serenity produces is beneficial not only for Christians but for everyone who has ears and who can hear! Music is for healing, music is for happiness, it’s for sadness, it’s for everything and if you cut music life would be really boring without it.”

Link to my package:

1 comment:

  1. Link to my package https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qK4nfPmyR0&feature=youtu.be
