Sunday, May 8, 2016

2016 Presidential Election


            Even though we are just starting to feel the warmth of spring, we are already feeling the heat from this Election Season. The candidates are being weeded out and the front-runners have their eyes on the general election. States all over the country are being thrust into the national spotlight with the candidates making last ditch efforts for votes in states where primaries have not taken place yet.
Courtesy of The New Yorker

 Here in New York, our primary was April 19th with Donald Trump winning a majority of votes on the Republican side and Hillary Clinton getting the nod over native Bernie Sanders. Voting in Oneonta took place at the Foothills Performing Arts and Civic Center on Market Street. Many Oneonta citizens casted their votes, but many college students were left in the wind in regards to their vote. Those students who aren’t residents of Oneonta cannot vote here without an absentee ballot. Not many students were aware of this and it prevented many from voting. 
Courtesy of CNN
Nick Henninger, a SUNY Oneonta student from Long Island, said “I couldn’t vote because I forgot to fill out an absentee ballot, but I don’t really love the candidate selection anyway.” A lack of likeable candidates also thinned the voter pool. People either love or hate Trump and Hillary, Bernie has a sizable following but not the backing of the super delegates, and recently dropped out candidates Ted Cruz and John Kasich never really made a dent in Trump’s lead despite their joining forces.
Courtesy of

 One thing that the remaining candidates do have in common is their strong presence on social media, which is very important in this day in age. Hunter Braine, also a SUNY Oneonta student, said “I get a lot of my political news from Facebook and Twitter, usually in the “What’s Trending” section.” It’s clear that the impact of social media is very strong and is the best way for the Presidential hopefuls to reach and connect with the younger demographic. Who will take advantage of that the best and be able to use it to get to the White House will soon be seen.

B-Roll and Interview courtesy of Dan Matishek.

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