Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Inside The Terpsichorean Dance Company

by Brittany Rohrssen -- Oneonta, NY.

The Terpsichorean Dance Company. 
The Terpsichorean Dance Company is a student run dance association on the SUNY Oneonta campus that was started in the 1970's and has grown to be an impressive group of nearly 80 dancers on campus who put out a sold out show each semester. The styles of dance featured in the show range from jazz, tap, lyrical, contemporary, hip hop, step, and many more! 

The company is ran by a member-elected E-board of students which consists of president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and publicist. This semester the members of E-board were Lindsey Kendrick, president, Hayley Rosenberg, vice president, Chrissy Leger, secretary, Melissa Colodner, treasurer, and Erin Ferry, publicist. The E-board is in charge of organizing the show and selecting the dances to be in the show along with many other responsibilities. President, Lindsay Kendrick said, "I think my favorite part of being on E-board is being the boss. I like to make sure everything is set and in line." and Melissa added, "Being in charge is fun, but also friendships are fun. E-board made us close and that’s what is great about being on E-board I think."
E-board spring 2016
Incoming freshmen often find Terps an inviting place to make life long friends in an otherwise scary new environment. Most dancers are in an average of four-six dances per semester and will spend up to 8 hours per week in the studio with each other so it is no surprise that the members of Terps become very close quite fast. Freshman, Alyssa Jacino told me, "I have made some of my absolute best friends here and I don’t regret anything about Terps at all."

Terps dancers on stage
With all the time spent in the studio the dancers often have to learn to juggle all the responsibilities of an average college student with the additional responsibilities of a dancer. This allows the members to become more well rounded individuals with excellent time management and  a great work ethic. Sophomore and dancer, Kennedi Rabideau commented, "Terps has impacted me because its helped me balance everything in college between like work and dance and all the things I have to get done in between, getting me prepared for life basically."

The Terpsichorean Dance Company is more than just a group of dancers; they are a close knit group of people who work endless hours together on and off stage and form bonds with each other that will last long after the final curtain closes. 

The company has a show at the end of every semester, be sure to keep an eye out for tickets sales for their show in the fall of 2016. It's definitely an event on campus you don't want to miss!
The Terpsichorean Dance Company, Spring 2016

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