Wednesday, May 4, 2016

SUNY Oneonta Greek Life

By Olivia Conroy--Oneonta, NY

Greek life is notorious all around the country for it’s bad reputation.  One of the biggest stereotypes of Greek life is that its members aren’t involved in anything else.  But here at SUNY Oneonta, Greek life is defying this stereotype and many more everyday. 

Former IGC President Jayna Nelson says, “I think that there’s a notion that Greeks aren’t involved on campus and that we are only involved in Greek life but with

Greek life itself, we do a lot of community service throughout the town.”  Many people on campus have bad thoughts about Greek life, but they don’t see many of the good things Greek life does for the community. 
Greek life Flags at Hunt Union

Another issue surrounding the bad reputation of Greek life is the opinion of others on campus.  Phi Sigma Sigma President Andie Fauler said, “I think a lot of people think that we think we are more entitled or more popular and that’s just not true.”  Greek life here is very small, but because it’s small it is a very close-knit community.  When others see members of Greek life goofing off and having fun in the quad they may get a bad impression, but really we’re all just close friends. 

As a member of Greek life at Oneonta, you are required to have a GPA of at least 2.5, have a minimum of 10 hours of community service per semester, as well as participate in philanthropy events hosted by your respective chapter.  This are just a few of the responsibilities held by members of Greek life here.  Joining is much more than an excuse to party.  Organizations do so much for their surrounding community and members truly get back what they put in to it.

Members here love and respect one another regardless of what organization they are in and that’s what makes Greek life at SUNY Oneonta special.  IGC Vice President James Dipaoli says, “The colors on our shirts, the letters on our shirts they don’t define our character necessarily.”

Greek Unity
For me, joining Greek life was so appealing to me because I wanted to make friendships that I know would last forever.  Little did I know, I would make life long friends from not only my organization, but also every other organization.

“I think Greek life is amazing, we really do so much for the community and for everyone in it.”  Says Jayna Nelson.  The Greek life community is one that tries to do as much as possible to help others and have a great time with each other while doing so.
Phi Sigma Sigma 

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