Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Voters take to the polls on NY Primary Election Day

by Daniel Matishek -- ONEONTA, NY

Citizens like Andrea Reece of Oneonta are stopping at the Foothills Performing Arts Center on Market Street to cast their vote in the primary election. “As a teacher, there’s been a lot of turmoil in education recently, and I feel like my vote is really important for not only for myself and my career, but for my students… if everybody voted, it would make a difference,” said Andrea.

The Foothills Performing Arts Center
located at 24 Market Street, Oneonta, NY 13820

Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Bernie Sanders are some of the more popular candidates this electoral season. Voters like Patrick Jermain say he wants what’s best for America. “But I mean I love to vote, I love to pick candidates, and I love to pick the one that has not necessarily my views, but a view for the country.” Inside the voting center, officials declined to speak on camera, but it was apparent they had their hands full. Ballot lines were filled with people from far and wide who wanted to engage in the democratic process.
Constituents of Otsego support their candidate by placing
campaign signs along Route 23 off Main Street

Voters come from far and wide but have one thing in common: they know voting is important and what to make a change for the better. Ask ten people and you’ll get ten different answers as to why voting is important. “I think there are a lot of important issues right now that need to be dealt with… I want to vote for someone who’s actually going to, who actually wants to see me succeed. And so, hopefully that’s what I did,” said Jeanetta, a resident of Otsego County. First-time voter Sean Dunphy, a first year SUNY Oneonta student, said he was proud to vote. “It’s good to have your voice be heard, to get your opinions out there, to hopefully get the person you want in office… I’ll definitely be voting again in November.”

Ultimately, Republican candidate Donald Trump won the state of New York as did Hillary Clinton for the Democrats, but in Otsego County, Democrat Bernie Sanders won by a whopping 19 points. The United States presidential election of 2016 will take place on Tuesday, November 8th.

Make it count: voters step into the ballot box and make their selection for the next U.S. president

On Market Street, I’m Dan Matishek. MCOM 256.

Link to video story.

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