Sunday, December 4, 2016

Nate's Tire and Auto

There are many different Mechanics located in Oneonta. This causes many college students in Oneonta to be unsure of where they should take their car. One SUNY Oneonta student, Connor Chapman said "I look for someone who is friendly, someone who is not there just to make a buck but actually cares about you like as a customer." This is something that many people do look for in a mechanic as well as obviously the price. 
One mechanic located in Oneonta that many people over look is Nate's Tire and Auto. Which is located at 4 Railroad Ave, next to the depot. According to Nate Fheldon who owns Nate's Tire and Auto "I mean the depot has been around for 20 something years. So a lot of traffic to the area a lot of people who like to eat there. So I would say it defiantly helps the business a lot." 
Nate's Tire and Auto
Nate does most of the work by himself. He only gets help from his wife on the financials and book keeping. Nate works on a repairs all the vehicles he gets by himself. He works long hours and stays past his scheduled closing time regularly. So that he can catch up on work or to simply make sure his garage is clean and organized. Even putting in extra time most days Nate still only gets to a handful of cars a day. 
Nate puts in a lot of work in order to provide the best car support in Oneonta. He likes to be personal with people. He also believes that the best way to spread word about a buisness is word of mouth. Hearing from a friend about someone who did a good job on your car. Instead of seeing a commercial on TV or on the Internet. 

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