Friday, December 2, 2016

Make Your Holiday Shopping Easier at Red Rabbit Relics Gift Shop

Red Rabbit Relics Gift Shop

By: Jennifer Motschmann (Oneonta, NY)---

Store Sign
Red Rabbit Relics, also known as Theresa's Emporium, is a local gift shop that sells many different kinds of products. The local business is located on 155 Main Street, Oneonta, NY. This store has been in this Main Street location for five years,and began three years prior to that. The owners all pride themselves on selling only American made products. This detail is very important to them and the business. The shop has a variety of items for all different types of people, and it attracts everyone because the price ranges are varied from five dollars to almost one hundred. Some items include jewelry, clothes, handbags, and home decorations.

Store owner, Theresa Cyzeski, spoke about how her business originally began. She never expected to become a gift stop owner herself, but a few years back a friend suggested it to her. Cyzeski stated, "My husband and I have an archery shop in West End, and it had an empty room in it. A friend encouraged me to start putting things into there to help add to the clientele there. Then it out grew out of that spot." Once people learned of her little business in the archery shop, it got very busy and she knew she needed to expand to a larger location and do something great. She loves having the spot on Main Street now because she sees many familiar faces from town, as well as new ones.

Store Owner, Theresa Cyzeski

Since Cyzeski's store is very small and does not get too crowded, she has a very small staff. She keeps the business in the family by working alongside her sister. She also has two other employees that come in. There are advantages to being a small business in a small town, because she gets to know many of her customers and many of them become her friends. She believes she has a solid local clientele, all stemming from her original business. In the summers the store tends to attract tourists, and around the holidays is the busiest season for the shop. Many people come into the store once a year around the holidays to buy gifts and items for their loved ones and friends.

Theresa Cyzeski is not intimated by the other similar stores on Main Street. She believes her store stands out because of its variety in items. She likes how the town has multiple similar shops down the street because it will attract more customers overall from other places. According to her, people are not going to go out of their way for just one store, but if there are options people will travel. Cyzeski has lived in Oneonta her whole life, and enjoys having her small shop here. She does not plan on moving anywhere else, because she enjoys where she lives now and the customers she has.

Main Street Location

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