Thursday, December 1, 2016

CANO Gallery

CANO Gallery --By Jesus Santana (Oneonta, NY)

The Community Arts Network of Oneonta (CANO) is a non-profit organization founded in 1970 to support the local artists of Oneonta by providing them with a social, creative and economical environment for them to exhibit their art. One of the primary goals of founding CANO was to help the community become better educated, or as the current gallery manager Bhala Jones put it, "more sophisticated" about art, in order to help the artists possibly get their work sold.

CANO Gallery, formerly The Wilber Mansion
Located on 11 Ford Avenue, Oneonta, NY 13820
Today, CANO helps facilitate art exhibits that traffic thousands of people from around the region. Some of the events that CANO puts on include Monthly Art Exhibitions, which open every first Friday of each month and display work by different groups of artists in every exhibit. These art exhibits range from very representational work to the most abstract. CANO also puts on Monthly Writers Salons and Monthly Music salons, which also feature local artists from the region. 

CANO's October Writing Salon, Jesus Santana (c)
Major events that CANO tends to put on each year include a Chili Bowl Fundraiser, where local artists create bowls to sell to the event attendees, in which they then get to try a variety of different chilis, cooked by professional chefs, and at the end of the event one of the chef gets awarded the Best Chili of the Year title. Another very well known by the Oneonta community is the February Quilt Show and the City of the Hills Art & Musical Festival, which takes on main street during the middle of the summer. 

The Wilber Mansion has been coined to be one of Oneonta's downtown visual focal points, and CANO does a great job at maximizing its artistic capabilities. 

CANO Gallery Fall 2016

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