Thursday, December 1, 2016

Eddie's Restaurant: The Fabric That Holds a Community Together

Eddie's Restaurant
(C) Haunted History Trail 
Tyler Kimball (Oneonta, NY)- Approximately 40 minutes east of Syracuse, NY sits the small, seasonal community of Sylvan Beach. Striving mostly off from locals and “tourists” from early spring to late autumn, Eddie’s Restaurant has been serving up breakfast, lunch, and dinner for more than 80 years. The story of Eddie’s Restaurant is long but not complicated. But the one thing that remains the same, year after year, and season after season, is that the locals have always found Eddie’s Restaurant as a home away from home.

Owner and operator Rick Stewart says, “When people come here we see grandparents bringing kids, we have people that come in here that remember standing in line when they were younger and now they’re older and bringing their kids and grandchildren here. So yeah, there’s a long, long history with Eddie’s Restaurant”.

Eddie's Logo
(C) Eddie's Restaurant
But as new restaurants and business’ continue to open up in the small community, Eddie’s has started to see little drop off from the locals. To those who live around the area, and those who come back to visit in the summer months, Eddie’s is an important piece of their youth and even their lives today. Even though Eddie’s has had to make some small changes to adapt to the changing cultures, Stewart says, “there’s different things that you got to do, but the tradition, you know, is Eddie’s Restaurant”.

It was Bob Dylan who sang, “the times, they are a changing”, but for Eddie’s some things will never change, and for many, that’s the way they like it.

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